The sensory organs of the zebrafish lateral-line system (neuromasts) originate from migrating primordia that move along precise pathways. The posterior primordium, which deposits the neuromasts on the body and tail of the embryo, migrates along the horizontal myoseptum from the otic region to the tip of the tail. This migration is controlled by the chemokine SDF1, which is expressed along the prospective pathway, and by its receptor CXCR4, which is expressed by the migrating cells. In this report, we describe another zebrafish gene that is heterogeneously expressed in the migrating cells, tacstd. This gene codes for a membrane protein that is homologous to the TACSTD1/2 mammalian proteins. Inactivation of the zebrafish tacstd gene results in a decrease in proneuromast deposition, suggesting that tacstd is required for the deposition process. Developmental Dynamics 235:1578 -1588, 2006.