The set of intracellular or extracellular conditions that leads to an increase in the steady-state concentration of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H202), hydroxyl radical (. OH), singlet oxygen ('O2), lipid hydroperoxides, or related species is termed oxidative stress (Chance et al., 1979). Physiologically, metabolic activity in conjunction with the structural organization of the cell is able to minimize adverse effects of oxidative stress. Susceptibility to oxidative stress is a function of the overall balance between the factors that increase oxidant generation and those substances that exhibit antioxidant capability.Tocopherols (with vitamin E activity) are critica1 antioxidants in eukaryotic organisms, ubiquitous in higher plants, and essential nutrients for animals (Tramontano et al., 1992). However, little is known about the endogenous content in plant tissues. aT (5,7,8-trimethyltocol) is the predominant tocopherol in vegetative tissue (Newton and Pennock, 1971; Hardy et al., 1991). Early studies in which two-dimensional chromatography was used showed that aT was predominant in young maize, wheat, barley, and peas and that other tocopherols appeared as the plant aged (Tramontano et al.,Supported by the Intemational Foundation for Science (Sweden), FundaciÓn Antorchas, and the University of Buenos Aires. S.P. and C.G.F. are Career Investigators from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Ia República Argentina.* Corresponding author; fax 54-1-962-5341. 949 1992). It was reported that aT concentration increases with age in spruce seedlings (Franzen et al., 1991a(Franzen et al., , 1991b and in leaves of soybean and pinto beans (Tramontano et al., 1992).The content of flavonoids, which can also act as antioxidants (Fraga et al., 1987), increased in mesophyll cells of Vicia fuba incubated in the presence of methyl viologen (paraquat) (Takahama, 1989) Takahama et al., 1989) in the dark. It has been suggested that an increase in the steady-state concentrations of 02-and/or H202 in the cells is accompanied by increases in the leve1 of flavonoids, presumably due to the induction of their synthesis (Takahama et al., 1989).or H 2 0 2 (To study whether oxidative stress was able to affect antioxidant defenses, aT content was measured at the onset of germination of soybean embryonic axes. The effect of paraquat imbibition, increase in Fe concentration in the incubation medium, and aging were analyzed in terms of oxidative stress, assessed by a fluorescence technique (Bass et al., 1983; Szejda et al., 1984; Scott et al., 1988; LeBel et al., 1990) and aT content.
Plant MaterialSoybean seeds (Glycine mux var Hood) were incubated for 2 to 48 h in the dark at 26OC over water-saturated filter paper. The composition of 1 L of the modified Steinberg nutrient solution (Tiffin, 1966) was: 51 mg of Ca, 6.6 mg of Mg, 59 mg of N, 3 mg of P, 44 mg of K, 5 mg of S, 0.13 mg of Mn, 0.07 mg of B, 0.04 mg of Zn, 0.01 mg of Cu, 0.01 mg of ...