Strong electronic correlations pose one of the biggest challenges to solid state theory. Recently developed methods that address this problem by starting with the local, eminently important correlations of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) are reviewed. In addition, nonlocal correlations on all length scales are generated through Feynman diagrams, with a local two-particle vertex instead of the bare Coulomb interaction as a building block. With these diagrammatic extensions of DMFT long-range charge-, magnetic-, and superconducting fluctuations as well as (quantum) criticality can be addressed in strongly correlated electron systems. An overview is provided of the successes and results achieved mainly for model Hamiltonians and an outline is given of future prospects for realistic material calculations. PACS numbers: 71.10.-w,71.10.Fd,71.27.+a CONTENTS 42 5. One and zero dimensions 43 B. Heavy fermions and Kondo lattice model (KLM) 44 C. Falicov-Kimball (FK) model 45 D. Models of Disorder 47 E. Non-local interactions and multiorbitals 48 V. Open source implementations 51 VI. Conclusion and outlook 51 References 53 arXiv:1705.00024v2 [cond-mat.str-el]