The combined use of quantum channels can grant communication advantages in the form of enhancements to communication capacities. One such channel composition is the quantum switch, which implements a system with indefinite causal order by coherent control of the orderings of two or more quantum channels, resulting in enhanced communication capacities. Here, using the monogamy relation, we studied the flow of entanglement monotone in these quantum compositions of channels in the environmental representation. We implemented the two-party quantum switch in this framework, and demonstrated that non-Markovianity is the source of revival of the entanglement monotone in this setup. The possibility and amount of revival was shown to depend on the entangling capability of the channels, and the perfect activation of coherent information with entanglement-breaking channels was also replicated with the perfect revival of entanglement monotone. Additionally, we showed that a more general non-Markovian circuit can still grant enhancements to coherent information and Holevo quantity without the presence of indefinite causal order.