We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose gas with long-range interactions that decay as $1/r^{\alpha}$ ($0.5 < \alpha < 4.0$). We investigate exotic dynamics when the interactions are suddenly switched from strongly repulsive to strongly
attractive, a procedure known to generate super-Tonks-Girardeau gases in systems with contact interactions. We find that relaxation is achieved through a complex intermediate dynamics demonstrated by violent fragmentation and chaotic delocalization. We establish that the relaxed state exhibits classical gaseous characteristics and an asymptotic state associated with unbounded entropy production. The phase diagram shows an exponential boundary between the coherent (quantum) gas and the chaotic (classical) gas. We show the universality of the dynamics by also presenting analogous results for spinless fermions. Weaker quench protocols give a certain
degree of control over the relaxation process and induce a slower initial entropy growth. Our study showcases the complex relaxation behavior of tunable long-range interacting systems that could be engineered in state-of-the-art experiments, e.g. in
trapped ions or Rydberg atoms