Beamforming techniques for aeroacoustics applications have undergone significant advances over the past decade to account for difficulties that arise when traditional methods are applied to distributed sources such as those found in jet noise. Nevertheless, successful source reconstructions depend on array geometry and the assumed source model. The application of phased-array algorithms to ground array measurements of a fullscale tactical jet engine at military and afterburner engine conditions yield different source reconstructions. A deconvolution approach for the mapping of acoustic sources (DAMAS) is utilized to remove array effects seen in conventional beamforming and allows for improved interpretation of results. However, the distributed nature of the jet noise source, as well as large correlation lengths at low frequencies, can result in inaccurate source locations and/or amplitudes for both conventional beamforming and DAMAS. Results using DAMAS-C, an extension of DAMAS, indicate the degree of source correlation within the military aircraft noise. Source reconstructions on the jet centerline for different one-third octave band frequencies confirm the greater source correlation at low frequencies. These preliminary results represent the first implementation of DAMAS-C on full-scale jet noise data. Nomenclature = Point-spread functions matrix = Total beamform response vector = Beamwidth of the array CSM = Cross spectral matrix = Ambient sound speed = Scaling factor to limit residual component variability = Steering element = Steering vector = Frequency ′ = Cross spectral elements = Conjugate matrix transpose = Wavenumber = Measurement location index = Number of measurement locations = Scan point index = Number of scan points ( ) = Residual component at each iteration 2 0 = Distance from measurement to reference location = Distance from measurement to scan location = Iteration number = Matrix transpose = Vector of monopole source strengths Δ = Spacing between scan points 0 = Cross-source amplitude from and 0 ( ) = Source strength at scan point and iteration = Beamformed response for scan point