In matter coupled F (4) gauged supergravity in six dimensions, we study supersymmetric AdS 6 black holes with various horizon geometries. We find new AdS 2 × Σ g 1 × Σ g 2 horizons with g 1 > 1 and g 2 > 1, and present the black hole solution numerically. The full black hole is an interpolating geometry between the asymptotically AdS 6 boundary and the AdS 2 × Σ g 1 ×Σ g 2 horizon. We also find black holes with horizons of Kähler four-cycles in Calabi-Yau fourfolds and Cayley four-cycles in Spin(7) the AdS 4 black hole cases in [14,15,16], the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black holes nicely matched with the topologically twisted index of 5d U Sp(2N ) gauge theory on Σ g 1 ×Σ g 2 ×S 1 in the large N limit [17,18]. We also considered black hole horizons of Kähler four-cycles in Calabi-Yau fourfolds and Cayley four-cycles in Spin (7) manifolds.Pure F (4) gauged supergravity is a consistent truncation of massive type IIA supergravity [4] and type IIB supergravity [19,20,21] on a four-hemisphere. Although it is not known whether it is also a consistent truncation of ten-dimensional supergravity, one can couple vector multiplets to pure F (4) gauged supergravity [22]. In this theory, new fixed points and holographic RG flows were studied in [23,24,25]. See [26,27,28] also for other studies in this theory.In this paper, in matter coupled F (4) gauged supergravity, we continue our study on supersymmetric AdS 6 black holes. We consider F (4) gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets, and its U (1) × U (1)-invariant truncation first considered in [25]. We consider black hole solutions with a horizon which is a product of two Riemann surfaces, AdS 2 × Σ g 1 × Σ g 2 . We derive supersymmetry equations and obtain AdS 2 solutions which was first found in [29]. The AdS 2 horizon exists only for the H 2 × H 2 background, and not for the H 2 × S 2 or S 2 × S 2 backgrounds. We present the full black hole solutions numerically.We also consider black holes with horizons of Kähler four-cycles in Calabi-Yau fourfolds and Cayley four-cycles in Spin (7) manifolds. For Cayley four-cycles in Spin(7) manifolds, we consider the SU (2) diag -invariant truncation of F (4) gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets. We find new AdS 2 horizons. It will be interesting to have a field theory interpretation of this AdS 2 solution.In section 2, we review matter coupled F (4) gauged supergravity in six dimensions. In section 3, we consider F (4) gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets, and its U (1) × U (1)invariant truncation. We consider supersymmetric black hole solutions with a horizon which is a product of two Riemann surfaces. In section 4, we consider supersymmetric black hole solutions with horizons of Kähler four-cycles in Calabi-Yau fourfolds and Cayley four-cycles in Spin (7) manifolds. In appendix A, we present the equations of motion for the U (1) × U (1)-invariant truncation.Note added: In the final stage of this work, we became aware of [29] which has some overlap with the resu...