In the past years several extensions of the canonical commutation relations have been proposed by different people in different contexts and some interesting physics and mathematics have been deduced. Here, we review some recent results on the so-called pseudobosons. They arise from a special deformation of the canonical commutation relation [a, a † ] = 1 1, which is replaced by [a, b] = 1 1, with b not necessarily equal to a † . We start discussing some of their mathematical properties and then we discuss several examples.Under the above assumptions, and if we chose the normalization of Ψ 0 and ϕ 0 in such a way that Ψ 0 , ϕ 0 = 1, we find that Ψ n , ϕ m = δ n,m = d j=1 δ n j ,m j .(2.4)This means that the sets F Ψ = {Ψ n } and F ϕ = {ϕ n } are biorthogonal and, because of this, the vectors of each set are linearly independent. If we now call D ϕ and D Ψ respectively the linear 3 span of F ϕ and F Ψ , and H ϕ and H Ψ their closures, then f = n