In this paper we investigate whether conserved currents can be sensibly defined in supersymmetric minisuperspaces. Our analysis deals with k = +1 FRW and Bianchi class-A models. Supermatter in the form of scalar supermultiplets is included in the former. Moreover, we restrict ourselves to the first-order differential equations derived from the Lorentz and supersymmetry constraints. The "square-root" structure of N=1 supergravity was our motivation to contemplate this interesting research. We show that conserved currents cannot be adequately established except for some very simple scenarios. Otherwise, equations of the type ∇ a J a = 0 may only be obtained from Wheeler-DeWitt-like equations, which are derived from the supersymmetric algebra of constraints. Two appendices are included. In appendix A we describe some interesting features of quantum FRW cosmologies with complex scalar fields when supersymmetry is present. In particular, we explain how the Hartle-Hawking state can now be satisfactorily identified. In appendix B we initiate a discussion about the retrieval of classical properties from supersymmetric quantum cosmologies.