The theoretical framework of supersymmetry (SUSY) aims to relate bosons and fermions-two profoundly different species of particles-and their interactions. While this space-time symmetry is seen to provide an elegant solution to many unanswered questions in high-energy physics, its experimental verification has so far remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that, notions from supersymmetry can be strategically utilized in optics in order to address one of the longstanding challenges in laser science. In this regard, a supersymmetric laser array is realized, capable of emitting exclusively in its fundamental transverse mode. Our results not only pave the way towards devising new schemes for scaling up radiance in integrated lasers, but also on a more fundamental level, they could shed light on the intriguing synergy between non-Hermiticity and supersymmetry.Symmetries play a fundamental role in physical sciences. Symmetry principles ensure energy and momentum conservation and dictate the allowable dynamical laws governing our world. The Lorentz invariance embodied in Maxwell's equations was crucial in developing the theory of relativity, while the exchange symmetry allows one to classify fundamental particles as either bosons or fermions. In high-energy physics, other overarching symmetries like that of chargeparity-time (CPT) and supersymmetry (SUSY) have also emerged as a means to unveil the laws of nature [1,2]. SUSY, first proposed within the context of particle physics as an extension of the Poincare space-time symmetry, makes an ambitious attempt to provide a unified description of all fundamental interactions. In general, SUSY relates bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom in a cohesive fashion. This directly implies that each type of boson has a supersymmetric counterpart, a superpartner fermion, and vice versa [3]. Even though the full ramification of SUSY in high energy physics is still a matter of debate that awaits experimental validation, supersymmetric techniques have already found their way into low energy physics, condensed matter, statistical mechanic, nonlinear dynamics and soliton theory as well as in stochastic processes and BCS-type theories, to mention a few [4][5][6][7][8][9].