Three new results are discussed: (a) A non-vanishing amplitude for the 'wrong sign' kaon decay B → J/ΨK or its CP conjugate is shown to be a necessary condition for obtaining different CP asymmetries in B → J/ΨK S,L . A significant effect would require a scale of new physics far below the weak scale, all but ruling out this possibility. (b) The leading isospin breaking contributions to the B → K * γ decay amplitudes can be calculated in QCD factorization, providing a sensitive probe of the penguin sector of the effective weak Hamiltonian. New physics models which reverse the predicted 10 − 20% Standard Model amplitude hierarchy could be ruled out with more precise data. (c) A slowly falling g * g η ′ form factor can be ruled out using the η ′ spectrum obtained by ARGUS at the ϒ(1S). The decay b → sgη ′ is therefore highly suppressed and the origin of the anomalously large B → η ′ X s rate remains unknown, perhaps requiring the intervention of New Physics.