We study the nonanalytic behavior of the static spin susceptibility of 2D fermions as a function of temperature and magnetic field. For a generic Fermi liquid, χs(T, H) = const + c1 max{T, µB|H|}, where c1 is shown to be expressed via complicated combinations of the Landau parameters, rather than via the backscattering amplitude, contrary to the case of the specific heat. Near a ferromagnetic quantum critical point, the field dependence acquires a universal form χ −13/2 , with c2 > 0. This behavior implies a first-order transition into a ferromagnetic state. We establish a criterion for such a transition to win over the transition into an incommensurate phase.PACS numbers: 71.10. Ay, 71.10 PmThe nonanalytic behavior of thermodynamic quantities of a Fermi Liquid (FL) has attracted a substantial interest over the last few years. The Landau Fermiliquid theory states that the specific heat coefficient γ(T ) = C(T )/T and uniform spin susceptibility χ s (T, H) of an interacting fermionic system approach finite values at T, H = 0, as in a Fermi gas. However, the temperature and magnetic field dependences of γ(T, H) and χ s (T, H) turn out to be nonanalytic. In two dimensions (2D), both γ and χ s are linear rather then quadratic in T and |H| [1]. In addition, the nonuniform spin susceptibility, χ s (q) , depends on the momentum as |q| for q → 0 [2,3].Nonanalytic terms in γ and χ s arise due to a long-range interaction between quasiparticles mediated by virtual particle-hole pairs. A long-range interaction is present in a Fermi liquid due to Landau damping at small momentum transfers and dynamic Kohn anomaly at momentum transfers near 2k F (the corresponding effective interactions in 2D are |Ω|/r and |Ω| cos(2k F r)/r 1/2 , respectively). The range of this interaction is determined by the characteristic size of the pair, L ph , which is large at small energy scales. To second order in the bare interaction, the contribution to the free energy density from the interaction of two quasiparticles via a single particle-hole pair can be estimated in 2D as δF ∼ u 2 T /L 2 ph , where u is the dimensionless coupling constant. As L ph ∼ v F /T by the uncertainty principle, δF ∝ T 3 and γ (T ) ∝ T . Likewise, at T = 0 but in a finite field a characteristic energy scale is the Zeeman splitting µ B |H| and L ph ∼ v F /µ B |H|. Hence δF ∝ |H| 3 and χ s (H) ∝ |H|.A second-order calculation indeed shows [3,4,5] that γ and χ s do depend linearly on T and |H|. Moreover, the prefactors are expressed only via two Fourier components of the bare interaction [U (0) and U (2k F )] which, to this order, determine the charge and spin components of the backscattering amplitude Γ c,s (θ = π), where θ is the angle between the incoming momenta. Specifically,whereF /2, µ B is the Bohr magneton, and the limiting forms of the scaling functions are f γ (0) = f χ (0) = 1 and f γ (x ≫ 1) = 1/3, f χ (x ≫ 1) = 2x. (Regular renormalizations of the effective mass and g− factor are absorbed into γ(0) and χ s (0)). The second-order susceptibility increases with ...