“…Although continuous approaches ignore these linguistic phenomena by, for instance, removing them from the original treebank (a common practice in the Penn Treebank (Marcus et al, 1993)), there exist different algorithms that can handle discontinuous parsing. Currently, we can highlight (1) those based in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems (LCFRS) (Vijay-Shanker et al, 1987), which allow exact CKY-style parsing of discontinuous structures at a high computational cost (Gebhardt, 2020;Ruprecht and Mörbitz, 2021); (2) a variant of the former that, while still making use of LCFRS formalisms, increases parsing speed by implementing a span-based scoring algorithm (Stern et al, 2017) and not explicitly defining a set of rules (Stanojević and Steedman, 2020;Corro, 2020); (3) transition-based parsers that deal with discontinuities by adding a specific transition in charge of changing token order (Versley, 2014;Maier, 2015;Maier and Lichte, 2016;Stanojević and Alhama, 2017;Coavoux and Crabbé, 2017) or by designing new data structures that allow interactions between already-created non-adjacent subtrees ; and, finally, (4) several approaches that reduce discontinuous constituent parsing to a simpler problem, converting it, for instance, into a non-projective dependency parsing task (Fernández-González and Martins, 2015;Fernández-González and Gómez-Rodríguez, 2020a) or into a sequence labelling problem (Vilares and Gómez-Rodríguez, 2020). In (4), we can also include the solutions proposed by Boyd (2007) and Versley (2016), which transform discontinuous treebanks into continuous variants where discontinuous constituents are encoded by creating additional constituent nodes and extending the original non-terminal label set (following a pseudo-projective technique (Nivre and Nilsson, 2005)), to then be processed by continuous parsing models and discontinuities recovered in a postprocessing step.…”