Postgraduate research supervision and its impact on students’ completion of postgraduate studies continue to pose significant challenges to higher education managers, postgraduate students, university dons, funders of postgraduate education, and all stake holders. This literature review based article summaries the research findings across six dimensions of postgraduate research supervision: Student-supervisor relationship, Gender and research supervision, Allocating and matching students with supervisors, Pedagogy of research supervision, Roles and responsibilities of postgraduate students and supervisors and Effective supervision. Student- supervisor relationship is noted to have direct and indirect influence on all other dimensions of research supervision and consequently to timely students’ completion of postgraduate studies. It was found out that the reaction and impact of the other six dimensions would be driven by the student-supervisor relationship. Students perceived that good working relationships with their research supervisors have an impact on their research progress. Studies concerning gender and research supervision are limited but the few available indicated that female candidates were largely affected in their progress due to gender-related challenges. It was revealed that effective supervision has a positive impact on timely students’ completion of postgraduate studies. Implications for postgraduate students and supervisors, schools, faculties, and departments of postgraduate education were identified.