The ways people use words online can furnish psychological processes about their beliefs, fears, thinking patterns, and so on. Extracting from online employees’ reviews on the workplace community websites, we can quantify the psychological effects of employees during the phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. We collect the anonymous employees’ reviews of Top 100 digital companies from the Glassdoor website which allows people to evaluate and review the companies they have worked for or are working for. Here, based on the data of numerical evaluations and textual reviews, we firstly use Z-score to investigate the psychological effects of employees in digital companies during the phase of COVID-19 pandemic. Next, we use a text analysis application called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), which provides an efficient and effective method for studying the various emotional, cognitive, and structural components existing in individuals’ verbal and written speech samples, to mine these reviews to obtain changes in personal pronouns and 10 dimensions of psychological processes. Finally, we use Z-score to count on all aspects of drives and personal concerns in psychological processes.