In a forecast of the revised international system of units, that will come into force on 20th May 2019, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt is developing and establishing a strategic concept, that allows the kilogram to be realized and distributed on the basis of new artefacts and methods. Possible paths of the quantum-based kilogram from its definition based on the Planck constant to the macroscopic world are being elucidated, i.e. the use of silicon spheres of different qualities as well as the use of Kibble-Balances and new developments of table-top weighing instruments. Beside metrological aims the availability of realizations and easy handling procedures are of crucial importance within a future dissemination chain. Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches are being examined and current developments, basically on the silicon route, and their expected measurement uncertainty are outlined. Scientific and strategic developments in the use of silicon spheres in the future mass dissemination chain are accompanied by more than 20 national metrological institutes and designated institutes by testing the existing methods and doing their own investigations.