Worksheet is common used as supplementary teaching materials in teaching and learning English. It provides interesting tasks which cannot be found in text book. Worksheet facilitates teacher to make an existing classroom activity through completing the tasks. This paper tries to explore the use of task based language teaching approach which writer believes brings the variety of tasks into classroom activities. Task based language teaching approach presents multiple tasks such as real task and pedagogic task, unfocused task and focused task, input based task and output based task, and closed and opened task. These tasks will offer the students to uses whatever language they know to accomplish the tasks. However, the existing of appropriate worksheet is infrequent in teaching and learning process. Teachers are difficult to prepare appropriate worksheet that suitable with students' need. Some worksheet might be interesting, but do not meet students' characteristics and abilities. By using task based language teaching approach, it is expected that teachers are able to develop their own interesting worksheet. The worksheet can be developed based on the need of the students and the shapes of teachers' classrooms. Task based language teaching worksheet is hoped to be used as alternative ways for teacher in making communicative teaching and learning process.