Osuji, P.O., Nsahlai I.V. and Khalili, H. 1996. Effect of fasting on the urinary excretion of nitrogen and purine derivatives by zebu (BOS indicus) and crossbred (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) cattle. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 10: 39-47. Six cattle [3 Boran (Bos indicus) and 3 crossbred (Bos indicus x Bos taurus)] were fasted for 20 days to estimate the effect of fasting on the excretion of nitrogen (N) and purine derivatives (PO) in the urine. PD excretion (y} for each genotype was related to time (t in days) by means of an exponential model : Y=A+Be-kt where A is the endogenous excretion, k the fractional rate of excretion of exogenous PD B. The equations relating y to time (t) were : y = 0.172t0.178e-0.392t, R2 = 0.86; and y = 0.108 + 0.146e-0~108' R2 = 0.61 for the zebu and crossbred cattle, respectively. The daily fasting urinary nitrogen (N glkg WO. ' ") was related to total daily PD excretion (y mmol lkg W.75) by the equations : 'Agricultural Research Centre of Finlond WTI') F' SA Resenrch Stntion, Hololo, 71750 Mooninkn, Finland. 39 J. Appl. Anim. Res. 0971-2119/96/$05.00 0 GSP, India Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 17:27 08 February 2015 40 P.O. Osuji and coworkers y = 0.00294 + 0.7285 f 0.136 N, Adj R2 = 0.75 (crosses) y = 0.01099 + 0.9229 f 0.090 N, Adj R2 = 0.92 (zebu) The intercepts for both equations were not different from zero (P>O.O5j. The endogenous PD excretion (mmolslkg W.75 d l ) of the zebu (0.172) was about 1.59 times that of the crossbred (0.108) cattle. The fractional rate of excretion of exogenous PD of the zebu was 3.6 times that of the cross bred. The ratios of allantoin to total PO, uric acid to allantoin and uric acid to PD did not change with time (Z30.05) but differed (P