Industry 4.0 has created a whole new world for us to explore, and its effects can be seen in every facet of our lives, especially in the workplace where it calls for technology-driven employment. There is a growing need to teach individuals and assist them in transitioning to longer-term employment prospects to execute Industry 4.0 effectively. Although MOOCs revolutionized the way learners study, it is critical to investigate teaching techniques using Education 4.0 at this time. This article explores how the technologies of Industry 4.0 can be incorporated into MOOCs. This paper proposes MOOCs 5.0, whose features include better universal access, better learner engagement, adaptive learning, greater collaboration, security, and curiosity, which is being developed using Industry 4.0 technologies of the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Blockchain, Gamification Technologies, and the Metaverse and would incorporate the zones of ethics and humanism, while at the same time providing learners with a richer and more individualized experience.