DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.06.013
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Supply of carbon sequestration and biodiversity services from Australia's agricultural land under global change

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Cited by 112 publications
(93 citation statements)
References 97 publications
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“…LUTO has been described, tested, applied, and evaluated elsewhere (Bryan et al, , 2014bin review;Connor et al, 2015;Gao et al, in review) and is only summarised here. The LUTO model takes an agricultural land use map as the baseline, and then combines a range of environmental and economic data to identify potential land use change (agriculture, carbon plantings, environmental plantings, and biofuels) and corresponding supply of ecosystem services (agriculture, emissions abatement, water resources, biodiversity services, and biofuel production).…”
Section: Overview Of the Luto Model Of Land Use And Ecosystem Servicesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…LUTO has been described, tested, applied, and evaluated elsewhere (Bryan et al, , 2014bin review;Connor et al, 2015;Gao et al, in review) and is only summarised here. The LUTO model takes an agricultural land use map as the baseline, and then combines a range of environmental and economic data to identify potential land use change (agriculture, carbon plantings, environmental plantings, and biofuels) and corresponding supply of ecosystem services (agriculture, emissions abatement, water resources, biodiversity services, and biofuel production).…”
Section: Overview Of the Luto Model Of Land Use And Ecosystem Servicesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…(e.g. Bryan and Kandulu, 2009;Bryan et al, 2014b;Goldstein et al, 2012;Lawler et al, 2014;Nelson et al, 2009). Understanding the sensitivity of ecosystem service estimates to land use mapping error is important for supporting robust policy and management decisions.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The rise of ES assessment as a methodology to support environmental management has been accompanied with the proliferation of simulation On the other hand, as highlighted in Momblanch et al, (under review) there are many studies that focus on one ES and apply very detailed models that are able to represent the processes involved with high accuracy (Lonsdorf et al, 2009;Kovacs, 2012;Bryan et al, 2014; Bagdon et al, 2016). In the case of FES, traditional water resources management tools or IWRM tools can be adapted to conduct FES assessments (Vigerstol and Aukema, 2011; Dennedy-Frank et al, 2016).…”
Section: Models For Ecosystem Services Assessmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The main application for InVEST is the assessment of impacts due to land cover change on multiple ES in large river basins (Nelson et al, 2009;Goldstein et al, 2012;, while the major limitation is its inability to represent temporal variability of processes, groundwater and water resources infrastructures and management (Vigerstol and Aukema, 2011 On the other hand, as highlighted in Momblanch et al, (under review) there are many studies that focus on one ES and apply very detailed models that are able to represent the processes involved with high accuracy (Lonsdorf et al, 2009;Kovacs, 2012;Bryan et al, 2014;Bagdon et al, 2016). In the case of FES, traditional water resources management tools or IWRM tools can be adapted to conduct FES assessments (Vigerstol and Aukema, 2011;Dennedy-Frank et al, 2016).…”
Section: The Most Known Es Tool Is Probably Integrated Valuation Of Ementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Chapter 2 briefly discusses some implications of different mechanisms, but not in great detail. Several reviews point towards differential effectiveness of alternative policy mechanisms in different contexts with regards to agri-environmental schemes , different social contexts (van Noordwijk and Leimona, 2010), conservation of globally important species with high negative impacts locally (Dickman et al, 2011), carbon markets or regulation (Bryan et al, 2014, Busch et al, 2012, Goulder and Parry, 2008, and under conditions of environmental variability (Vogt, 2014). Other research suggests particular design elements may be equally or more important than overall mechanism choice (Kemp and Pontoglio, 2011).…”
Section: Understanding and Incorporating The Social Value Of Carbon Imentioning
confidence: 99%