Introduction: According to the Global TB control report of 2013, "Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. In 2012, an estimated 8.6 million people developed TB and 1.3 million died from the disease. Two main sputum smear microscopy techniques are used for TB diagnosis: Fluorescence microscopy and conventional microscopy. Fluorescence microscopy is a more expensive diagnostic method because of the high costs of the microscopy unit and its maintenance. Therefore, conventional microscopy is more appropriate for use in developing countries. Methods: This paper presents a new method for detecting tuberculosis bacillus in conventional sputum smear microscopy. The method consists of two main steps, bacillus segmentation and post-processing. In the fi rst step, the scalar selection technique was used to select input variables for the segmentation classifi ers from four color spaces. Thirty features were used, including the subtractions of the color components of different color spaces. In the post-processing step, three fi lters were used to separate bacilli from artifact: a size fi lter, a geometric fi lter and a Rule-based fi lter that uses the components of the RGB color space. Results: In bacillus identifi cation, an overall sensitivity of 96.80% and an error rate of 3.38% were obtained. An image database with 120-sputum-smear microscopy slices of 12 patients with objects marked as bacillus, agglomerated bacillus and artifact was generated and is now available online. Conclusions: The best results were obtained with a support vector machine in bacillus segmentation associated with the application of the three post-processing fi lters.