Advocacy is a key tool in the fight for social justice-educational, social, economic and political equality-within the field of TESOL. Current global political climates, including current activism in the United States for racial equality, have pushed social justice advocacy to the forefront for TESOL professionals. Increasingly, many in the profession ask how they can become successful advocates, enacting the change they wish to see in the world, especially as many English learners are racialized when they enter the United States (Bigelow, 2010). In the first half of this article, we define and describe a five-step process for advocacy, offering suggestions for TESOL professionals on how to become skilled, strategic, and effective advocates. In the second part of the article, we highlight ways for TESOL teacher education programs to effectively reposition and highlight advocacy in their curricula. Our goal is for TESOL professionals to be able to put social justice-infused advocacy for English learners 1 (ELs) into action. We see advocacy as a partnership between ELs, EL families, and TESOL professionals, all working toward a more just world for all.