The adoption of document stores, such as MongoDB or CouchDB, has drastically increasedin the past years. Part of this popularity can certainly be explained by their flexibility interms of loading, storing, and retrieving semi-structured data on massive scales. However,adopting such systems presents challenges when exploring the data they store since thestructure of the document may not follow a single pattern, and thus present complexhierarchical and nested structures that vary. Additionally, an analyst who wants to retrievedata may experience difficulties since she must learn the specificities of the document store’snative query language. In this work, we propose SEREIA, a system that facilitates dataexploration in document stores through keyword search. The user inputs a non-structuredkeyword-based query and the system generates a structured query for the document storethat fulfills her information needs. We evaluated SEREIA using five datasets previously usedin the literature and the results we achieved indicate that SEREIA is suitable for helping usersin data exploration tasks by removing the burden of understanding the data organization ofthe stored documents and by automatically generating queries to explore data of interest.