This article presents the results and lessons learned in the application of the Framework for the Modelling and Measurement of Software Processes (FMESP) in a software company dedicated to the development and maintenance of software for information systems. The aim of FMESP is to provide companies with a conceptual and technological framework for the management of their process models and measurement models in an integrated way. Modelling and measurement are two key factors to promote continuous process improvement. As a result, important benefits were obtained. The company improved the maturity of its processes which allowed it to obtain the ISO 9000 certification. From a research point of view, are Capability Maturity Model for Software (SW-CMM) [1], Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) [2] and Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination (SPICE), which has been standardized as ISO 15504 [3].Nowadays, it is common for customers to demand companies to be certified according to quality standards such as ISO 9000: 2000 [4] or that they have high maturity levels in their processes in accordance with assessment models such as CMMI or ISO 15504. For this reason, software organizations are increasingly focusing on the management of their processes.Management of software processes requires that four key responsibilities be assumed [5]: definition, measurement, control and improvement of processes. It is very important to consider the integrated management of two key aspects.• Process modelling. Process models constitute the starting point for analysing, enacting and improving processes. Bearing in mind that there is a huge diversity among existing process modelling proposals, a reference process metamodel should be helpful. The Object Management Group has recently proposed the Software Process Engineering Metamodel Specification (SPEM) metamodel [6], which defines a reference language for process modelling. • Process evaluation. The first step in software processes improvement is its evaluation. Due to the vast diversity of elements which could be measured in the context of software process evaluation (process models, projects and products), the establishment of an homogeneous terminology for the definition, calculation and exploitation of metrics is needed for the integrated and effective management of the measurement process.In this paper we present the results and lessons learned from the application of the Framework for the Modelling and Evaluation of Software Processes (FMESP) in a software company. The FMESP framework includes the conceptual and technological elements which are needed to facilitate the management of the definition and evaluation of software processes.The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. We first describe the characteristics of the framework FMESP. Then we present a general overview of the software company in which FMESP was applied. This is followed by a detailed description of the application of FMESP in the software company. Next we highlight the benefits for the com...