The high levels of energy use for cloud computing affect carbon emissions and climate change. This research thoroughly compares the energy utilisation of conventional and high-speed three-tier data centres (DCs). The green cloud simulator (GCS) was used to compare network configurations and energy-saving algorithms for each cloud's energy consumption in 10 trials. The power saver schedule algorithm used the least server energy, while the green and RR schedule algorithms used more. Despite the testing of several energy conservation approaches, core switch and aggregate switch energy usage remained unchanged. Although the high-speed three-tier DC architecture used more energy than the standard design, this is a key difference between the two network topologies. The authors discuss the power saver schedule algorithm's benefits for server energy utilisation. This study shows how three-tier DC architecture can save money by reducing core switch and aggregation switch energy use. These evaluations should include the make span coefficient, and future research should focus on DC transform energy-saving techniques.