In this work, we determine the carrier-transport lengths of electrons and holes ͑L e,h ͒ for bulk heterojunction ͑BHJ͒ organic solar cells using a method applicable to functional devices. By linking the local exciton generation profile ͓G͑x͔͒ in the photoactive layer to photocurrent losses, we are able to determine the onset of bimolecular recombination, which is the dominate loss process of free carrier transport. Even though many factors affect photocurrent generation, we single out bimolecular recombination by measuring the scaling of photocurrent with light intensity as a function of applied voltage. For the common BHJ system, annealed poly-3-hexylthiophene:͓6,6͔-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester ͑P3HT:PCBM͒, a minimum for L e in PCBM is found to be 340 nm while L h is estimated to be 90 nm for P3HT. The relationship between G͑x͒ and carrier transport is further exemplified by demonstrating a scaling exponent below that for traditional space-chargelimited photocurrent. Likewise, by incorporating a drift/diffusion model, an intuitive link between G͑x͒ and charge transport is established where recombination is shown to occur in regions of the photoactive layer far from the electrode of the slowest carrier species. Finally, the consequences of L e,h on device design for operation under 1 Sun conditions are described.