The Balian-Vénéroni (BV) variational principle, which optimizes the evolution of the state according to the relevant observable in a given variational space, is used at the mean-field level to determine the particle number fluctuations in fragments of many-body systems. For fermions, the numerical evaluation of such fluctuations requires the use of a time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) code. Proton, neutron and total nucleon number fluctuations in fragments produced in collisions of two 40 Ca are computed for a large range of angular momenta at a center of mass energy Ec.m. = 128 MeV, well above the fusion barrier. For deep-inelastic collisions, the fluctuations calculated from the BV variational principle are much larger than standard TDHF results, and closer to mass and charge experimental fluctuations. For the first time, correlations between proton and neutron numbers are determined within a quantum microscopic approach. These correlations are shown to be larger with exotic systems where charge equilibration occurs.The quantum many-body problem is the root of many theoretical fields aiming at describing interacting particles such as electrons in metals, molecules, atomic clusters, Bose-Einstein condensates, or atomic nuclei [1]. However, it can be solved exactly for simple cases only. The Balian-Vénéroni (BV) variational principle [2] offers an elegant starting point to build approximations of the many-body dynamics and has been applied to different problems in nuclear physics [3][4][5][6][7][8], hot Fermi gas [9], φ 4 theory [10], and Boson systems [11,12]. In particular, applications to deep-inelastic collisions (DIC) of atomic nuclei should be of interests to the upcoming exotic beam facilities. DIC will be used to investigate the role of the isospin degree of freedom in reactions and to extract the density dependence of the symmetry energy. Such reactions will produce nuclei in extreme, sometimes unknown, states (e.g., rotating nuclei with a neutron skin, or nuclei at or beyond the drip-lines).Assuming an initial density matrixD 0 at t 0 , The BV variational principle optimizes the expectation value of an observable Q = Tr(DQ) at a later time t 1 . In this approach, both the stateD(t) and the observableQ(t) vary between t 0 and t 1 within their respective variational spaces. In most practical applications, mean-field models are considered in a first approximation, and, eventually, serve as a basis for beyond-mean-field approaches [13,14]. For instance, restricting the variational space ofD(t) to pure independent particle states, and the one ofQ(t) to one-body operators, leads to the TDHF equation [15] ih ∂ρwhere ρ is the one-body density-matrix and h[ρ] is the Hartree-Fock (HF) single-particle Hamiltonian. According to this variational approach, TDHF is, then, the best mean-field theory to describe expectation values of onebody observables. However, it should not be used, in principle, to determine their fluctuations and correlations σ XY = XŶ − X Ŷ , (X andŶ are one-body operators, and fluctuations corre...