Although only a handful of organic materials have shown polariton condensation, their study is rapidly becoming more accessible. The spontaneous appearance of long-range spatial coherence is often recognized as a defining feature of such condensates. In this work, we study the emergence of spatial coherence in an organic microcavity and demonstrate a number of unique features stemming from the peculiarities of this material set. Despite its disordered nature, we find that correlations extend over the entire spot size and we measure g(1) (r, r ) values of nearly unity at short distances and of 50% for points separated by nearly 10 µm. We show that for large spots, strong shot to shot fluctuations emerge as varying phase gradients and defects, including the spontaneous formation of vortices. These are consistent with the presence of modulation instabilities. Furthermore, we find that measurements with flat-top spots are significantly influenced by disorder and can, in some cases, lead to the formation of mutually incoherent localized condensates.PACS numbers: 67.85. Hj, 81.05.Fb, 42.55.Sa, 71.36.+c In the last few years, a number of molecular systems that show room-temperature polariton condensation have emerged [1][2][3]. Polaritons are hybrid excitonphoton quasiparticles that form in optical microcavities when dissipation is low as compared to the the lightmatter interaction. Like their fundamental constituents, they obey Bose statistics at low densities. They inherit an effective mass as low as 10 −10 times that of a Rb 87 atom from their photonic component. Meanwhile, they collide with other polaritons and excitons due to an effective interaction stemming from their matter component. In inorganic microcavities, these features have been exploited to demonstrate rich phenomenology associated with Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). The most wellknown of these effects is the macroscopic occupation of the ground state beyond a critical density n c . A perhaps more important consequence of the phase transition is the sudden appearance of off-diagonal long range order (ODLRO) in coordinate space [4,5]. This manifests itself in the non-vanishing long-range behaviour of the first-order spatial coherence g (1) (r, r'). At the polariton condensation threshold, a similar transition occurs, thus breaking U(1) symmetry, but also showing a number of distinct features resulting from the strongly non-equilibrium nature of the system [6].Several materials have been used to demonstrate polariton condensation. The majority of these have used CdTe-and GaAs-based semiconductors whose operation is limited to low temperatures due to their small exciton binding energy. Recently, however, wide bandgap semiconductors such as ZnO and GaN have emerged as viable materials for room-temperature applications [7][8][9][10]. Organic semiconductors are especially attractive in this context due to their large exciton binding energy. Molecular excitons are commonly of the Frenkel type where both electron and hole are localized on a single molecu...