DOI: 10.1126/science.6130601
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Suppression of Epididymal Sperm Antigenicity in the Rabbit by Uteroglobin and Transglutaminase in Vitro

Abstract: There is evidence that the mammalian female genital tract is capable of responding immunologically when challenged with alloantigens. The antigenic properties of male gametes have been well delineated. However, it is only rarely that a female mammal ever responds immunologically to the male gametic antigens as a result of coitus. When a proposed mechanism of suppression of antigenicity of epididymal spermatozoa was tested experimentally, the results indicated that two proteins (uteroglobin and transglutaminase… Show more

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Cited by 120 publications
(64 citation statements)
References 21 publications
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“…Since human transglutaminase 4 is secreted form prostate and a constituent of semen, it has been suggested to have a role in human fertilization by suppressing sperm antigenicity or unknown mechanism (Mukherjee et al, 1983, Paonessa et al, 1984. Moreover, transglutaminase 4 showed prostate-restricted expression pattern (Dubbink et al, 1999) and transglutaminase 2, another transglutaminase family member, has been associated with apoptosis and cancer cell survival (Fesus and Szondy, 2005).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Since human transglutaminase 4 is secreted form prostate and a constituent of semen, it has been suggested to have a role in human fertilization by suppressing sperm antigenicity or unknown mechanism (Mukherjee et al, 1983, Paonessa et al, 1984. Moreover, transglutaminase 4 showed prostate-restricted expression pattern (Dubbink et al, 1999) and transglutaminase 2, another transglutaminase family member, has been associated with apoptosis and cancer cell survival (Fesus and Szondy, 2005).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The copulatory plug formation has been thought to facilitate the fertilization by preventing seminal fluid from leaking out of vagina (Cukierski et al, 1991). In addition, transglutaminase 4 has been suggested to play an important role in suppression of sperm antigenicity in the female genital tract via incorporating seminal protein, such as uteroglobin, or polyamines into sperm cell surfaces (Mukherjee et al, 1983;Paonessa et al, 1984).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Uteroglobin is important in reproductive processes [9,10,40]. Estrogen mustards, which bind to prostatic steroid binding protein, are used in treating cancer of the prostate [41,42].…”
Section: P (Sd)mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It has also been detected in the urine and has been called urine protein-1 (Jackson et al, 1988). This protein possesses varied biochemical and biological properties including phospholipase A2(PLAA)-inhibitory (Levin et al, 1986), immunomodulatory (Mukherjee et al, 1982(Mukherjee et al, , 1983)/antiinflammatory properties (Levin et al, 1984;Miele et al, 1988;Mukherjee et al, 1988;Camussi et al, 1990a,b,c;Chan et al, 1990Chan et al, , 1991Di Rosa and Ialenti, 1990;Ialenti et al, 1990;Facchiano et al, 199l;Tetta etal, 1991;Perretti etal, 1991;Cabre' et al, 1992;Moreno et al, 1995). It binds xenobiotic agents such as progesterone (Beato, 1976(Beato, , 1977Fridlansky and Milgrom, 1976;Alger etal., 1980;Bochskanl and Kirchner, 1981;Peter, 1992), polychlorinated biphenyls (Gillener et al, 1988;NordlundMoller et al, 1990), and retinol (Lopez de Haro et al, 1994).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The immunomodulatory role of this protein has long been recognized (Mukherjee et al, 1982(Mukherjee et al, , 1983. The cDNA encoding Clara cell 10-kD protein, which is the human counterpart of rabbit UG, has been cloned and characterized (Singh et al, 1988a).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%