Direct observation of the suppression of the Auger effect on shallow donors by the magnetic field in the luminescence of manganese ions in semiconducting CdF2 :Mn crystals is presented. The magnetic field decreases the probability of the Auger effect, which is spin-dependent energy transfer from the manganese ions to the electrons occupying shallow donors. This results in the increase in the decay times of the luminescence.PACS numbers: 73.20.Ηb, 73.50.GrThe mechanism of the nonradiative recombination of the excited states of impurities in insulating crystals is a topic of interest in solid-state physics. One of them is energy migration on the system of excited ions and energy transfer to different types of defects.In semiconductors, the presence of carriers opens a new recombination channel -the Anger effect (AE). The excitation energy of the localized dopant can be nonradiatively transferred either to the free carrier or the carrier bound to some defect center. In any case the energy accepting carrier is promoted during the ΑE high into the respective band (the conduction band for the electrons and valence band for the holes). This effect has been found in CdF 2 crystals doped with Mn 2 + and Y3+ ions [1]. The Coulomb interaction, responsible for the ΑE, conserves the spin and its projection. Since magnetic impurity is involved in this ΑE, its probability should be dependent on spin polarization of particles participating in the process.Mn2 + (3d5) in CdF 2 is a very efficient activator of a blue-green luminescence (2.44 eV) corresponding to transitions from the first excited state 4Τ1g ( 4G) to the 6Α1g ( 6S) ground state of the Mn2+ ion in a centrosymmetric environment. The radiative decay time τr of the Mn2+ luminescence in CdF2 is equal to 158 ms at 4.CdF 2 is one of the crystals with the fluorite structure. In opposite to the other fluorite crystals, which are good insulators, CdF 2 may be converted to a low-resistance n-type semiconductor by doping with transition metal or rare earth (815)