INTRODUÇÃODentre as doenças que limitam a produção de soja (Glycine max L.), no Brasil, as causadas por nematoides do gênero Meloidogyne estão entre as mais frequentemente associadas a danos na cultura, com ampla distribuição geográfica, sendo responsáveis por prejuízos crescentes (Almeida et al. 2005). Os nematoides deste gênero incitam galhas nas raízes e causam redução na absorção de nutrientes e transloca-
ABSTRACT RESUMOmento de água, culminando com menor crescimento da parte aérea da planta (Tihohod 2000). As meloidoginoses, quando favorecidas pelas condições edafoclimáticas, podem causar perdas consideráveis à produção, em diferentes culturas, tendo sido observado decréscimo de produtividade em soja da ordem de 30%, em plantas infectadas por Meloidogyne javanica (Valiente et al. 1990
GENETIC, CHEMICAL, AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ROOT-KNOT NEMATODES IN SOYBEAN CROPThe control of nematodes with the use of different methods is important for success in the reduction of damage caused by these parasites. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of methods for controlling root-knot nematodes in soybean. For that, the soybean BRS 282 genotype, resistant to Meloidogyne javanica and M. Incognita, was used for its genetic control, the nematicide carbofuran was used for its chemical control, and the Bacillus subtilis (PRBS-1 and B-1) was used for its biological control. Soybean BRS 282 (resistant) and BRS 184 (susceptible) seeds were treated or not with carbofuran and B. subtilis. The soil used in the experiment was collected in areas naturally infested with root-knot nematodes. In order to evaluate the control of root-knot nematodes, the plants were grown in a greenhouse, for 60 days. After this period, the active forms and nematodes eggs in the roots were quantified and plant growth evaluated. The use of the BRS 282 genotype was the best option for controlling root-knot nematodes in soybean, due to its low incidence in the roots. For the BRS 184 genotype, both the chemical and biological control were effective in reducing the nematode reproduction in soybean roots. The treatment of BRS 282 genotype seeds with carbofuran or B. subtilis significantly improved the soybean growth in soil infested with the parasite.
KEY-WORDS:Glycine max L.; Meloidogyne spp.; Bacillus subtilis; carbofuran.