The induction of cytotoxic response against syngeneic or autologous murine or human tumor cells by pool allosensitization in bulk MLC was demonstrated by Bach et al. (1,2). Subsequently, we showed the existence ofmurine cytotoxic cell precursors that can be activated to react with syngeneic tumor cells by single-donor allosensitization in bulk MLC, applying the limiting dilution cultures (LDC) t technique (3, 4). We also showed that a high frequency (1/20) of cytotoxic cells can be elicited in the same manner even against syngeneic, weakly immunogeneic (MT2, mammary carcinoma in C3H mice ; M109, lung carcinoma in BALB/c mice) or nonimmunogenic (PIR-2, x-irradiation-induced lymphoma in 136 mice) tumors (5, 6). We postulated that shared or crossreactive antigenic determinants between the allogeneic leukocytes and the syngeneic tumor cells lead to the elicitation of the antisyngeneic tumor cytotoxic (ASTC) cells. Similar findings were reported by others (7-11) . Recently, we have demonstrated (12) that the ASTC precursors are phenotypically "classical" CTL precursors (i.e., Thy-1' ; Lyt-2+ ; L3T4-; asialo GMl -) rather than classical NK-type lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells that might have arisen in the presence of the high concentration of IL-2 (>250 U/ml) in the LDC.In our MLC-LDC system, in which the syngeneic target cells were the syngeneic PIR-2 cells, no ASTC response could be demonstrated by directly testing lymphocytes sensitized in bulk MLC (5, 6). The high ASTC frequency, as well as the antiallotarget response, were demonstrated in LDC wells plated with a low number of MLC-derived responding cells (<200/well). As the number of responding cells plated per well increased beyond a critical number (usually 500/well), a gradual decrease ofASTC response was observed. No anti-PIR-2 cytotoxicity could be detected when >5,000 MLC-derived cells were plated per well in LDC (3-5), whereas the percentage of cytotoxically positive wells against the allotarget, as well as the level of antiallocytotoxicity of the individual wells, remained at maximum .