Myristoyl-CoA: protein N-myristoyltransf erase (Nmt) catalyses the covalent attachment of myristate to the N-terminal glycine of a small subset of cellular proteins produced during vegetative growth of Candida albicans. nmt447D is a mutant NMT allele encoding an enzyme with a G l F 7 4 Asp substitution and reduced affinity for myristoyl-CoA. Among isogenic NMTINMT, NMTlhnmt and nmthlnmt447D strains, only nmthlnmt447D cells require myristate for growth on yeast/peptone/dextrose media (YPD) at 24 or 37 "C. When switched from YPD/myristate to YPD alone, 60% of the organisms die within 4 h.Antibodies raised against the C-terminal eight residues of Saccharomyces cerevisiae A r f l p were used to probe Western blots of total cellular proteins prepared from these isogenic Candida strains. N-Myristoylation of C. albicans ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) produced a change in its electrophoretic mobility during SDS-PAGE : the myristoylated species migrated more rapidly than the nonmyristoylated species. In an NMrhmtA strain, 100% of the Arf is Nmyristoylated based on this mobility shift assay. When exponentially growing nmtMnmt447D cells were incubated at 24 "C in YPDfmyristate, < 25% cellular Arf was nonmyristoylated. In contrast, 2 or 4 h after withdrawal of myristate, 2 50 YO of total cellular Arf was nonmyristoylated. This finding suggests that 2 5 0 % reduction in Arf N-myristoylation is a biochemical marker of a growtharrested cell. A similar conclusion was made after assaying isogenic 5. cerevisiae strains containing various combinations of NMT7, nmt1=451D, ARF1, arflA, ARF2 and ad2A alleles and grown at 24-37 "C on YPD or YPD/myristate.Peptidomimetic inhibitors of C. albicans Nmt were synthesized based on the Nterminal sequence of an 5. cerevisiae Arf. SC-59383 has an I C, , of 145 k0.08 pM for purified C. albicans Nmt and is 560-fold selective for the fungal compared to human N-myristoyltransferase. It had an EC, , of 51 f 17 and 67+6 pM, 24 and 48 h after a single administration of the drug to cultures of C. albicans. The Atf gel mobility shift assay indicated that a single dose of 200 pM produced a < 50% reduction in Arf N-myristoylation after 4 h, which is consistent with the fungistatic, but not fungicidal, activity. The effect on Nmt was specific: an enantiomer, SC-59840, had no inhibitory effect on purified C. albicans Nmt (I C, > 1000 pM), and 200 pM of the compound produced no detectable reduction in Arf N-myristoylation in vivo. SC-58272, which is related to SC-59383, was a more potent inhibitor in vitro (IC,, 0056 &0*01 pM), but had no growth inhibitory activity and did not produce any detectable reduction in Arf J. K. LODGE a n d OTHERS N-myristoylation. These findings highlight the utility of the Arf protein gel mobility shift assay for demonstrating the mechanism-based antifungal activity of SC-59383, a selective inhibitor of C. albicans Nmt.