Control of the placement of functional groups within confined nanospaces is of interest because of its potential in applications such as sensing and separations. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] For effective recognition of analytes within nanopores, it is necessary that control over two factors-pore size and functional group presentation-be achieved. While pore-size changes in nanopores and their effects upon recognition have been reported, [2,[13][14][15] it is also important to investigate the relative effect of binding-site density upon molecular recognition inside these nanopores. Herein, we report the effect that the density of functional groups within polymeric nanotubes could have upon complementary analyte molecules that pass through membrane nanopores. Since dendrimers are known as a class of artificial macromolecules that can have a high density of functional groups with a significant degree of control, [16][17][18][19][20] we hypothesized that these molecules are ideal candidates for this study. Even though dendrimer-based "testtube-like" nanostructures, where one end of the tube is closed, have been obtained using alumina membranes, the possibility of molecular recognition within such nanotubes has not been investigated. [21,22] Recently, we described a very simple and versatile methodology by which polymer-based functionalities can be incorporated inside nanoporous polycarbonate membranes by using polyvalent interactions.[23] We have utilized this methodology to achieve the formation of dendrimer-functionalized nanotubes.Since polypropyleneimine (PPI) dendrimers [24] are easily accessible, water-soluble, and charged, we used these molecules to test our hypotheses (Scheme 1). Our methodology for functionalization of the membrane nanopores uses electrostatic interactions and the PPI dendrimers are positively charged. Therefore, it is necessary that the predendrimerfunctionalized membrane nanopores be negatively charged. To achieve this, we first incorporated Sn 2+ ions into the pore walls of the membrane by using its poly(vinylpyrrolidone) functionalities. The Sn 2+ ions were used to introduce a layer of an anionic polymer, polyacrylic acid (PAA). We have shown that the vacuum-filtration-based incorporation of polymers is uniform throughout the membrane.[23] This anionic polymerfunctionalized membrane interior was then utilized to incorporate the cationic PPI dendrimers. The schematic illustration of membrane functionalization using PPI dendrimers is shown in Figure 1.Prior to investigating how this functionalization effected recognition of the analytes that passed through the membrane, we needed to characterize the nanotubes formed in this process. We were first interested in assessing the change in pore size of the membranes upon dendrimer functionalization. While we were able to previously demonstrate drastic pore-size changes by using our self-assembling polymers, systematic control over the size of the final nanopores was not demonstrated. [23] We envisaged that dendrimers would provide a ...