We investigated the tunability of
hydrogen bond strength by altering
the charge accumulation around the frontier atoms with remote substituents.
For pyridine···H
O with NH
CN substituted at different positions on pyridine, we find that the
electron-withdrawing CN group decreases the negative charge accumulation
around the frontier atom N, resulting in weakening of the hydrogen
bond, whereas the electron-donating NH
group increases
the charge accumulation around N, resulting in strengthening of the
hydrogen bond. By applying these design principles on DDAA–AADD,
DADA–ADAD, DAA–ADD, and ADA–DAD hydrogen-bonded
dimers, we find that the effect of the substituent is delocalized
over the whole molecular system. As a consequence, systems with an
equal number of hydrogen bond donor (D) and acceptor (A) atoms are
not tunable in a predictable way because of cancellation of counteracting
strengthening and weakening effects. Furthermore, we show that the
position of the substituent and long-range electrostatics can play
an important role as well. Overall, the design principles presented
in this work are suitable for monomers with an unequal number of donor
and acceptor atoms and can be exploited to tune the binding strength
of supramolecular building blocks.