“…At a given temperature the population of rotational states of a neutral molecule follows the Boltzmann distribution as ϖ j , k P j · P k / s · Q , with s , Q , P j , and P k being respectively the symmetry number, rotational partition function, and the Boltzmann distributions ( P j = exp(− Bj ( j + 1)/ k B T ) and P k = exp(−( A – B ) k 2 / k B T ), k B the Boltzmann constant, j and k the quantum numbers associated with j 2 and j z . Here the symmetry-top approximation is found to be relevant for the description of thiothymine in regard to the calculated rotational constants A , 3145.29 MHz, B , 915.62 MHz, and C , 712.34 MHz (MP2 aug-cc-pVDZ+4s3p).…”