The specifie heat of thin films is studied theoretically. It is based on the preliminary ~tudy of the problem of thermal vibrations in thin films. After obtaining the dispersion relations, the specific heat is calculated by taking into account the contribution of all vibrational modes to the thermal energy of the thin film. Two limiting cases are considered: the hightemperature case, in which the well-known independence of the specific heat of the temperature T is found, and the low-temperature Fase in which for the specific heat of thin films with few monoatomic layers a T 2 dependence is found. Finally the dependence of the specific heat on the thickness is considered and it is shown that for large thickness, which corresponds to the solid body, the well-known T 3 dependence of the specific heat is obtained.As it is known, the theoretical study of the specific heat is based on the calculation of vibrational modes of the solid. In the same manner ir is possible to calculate the specific heat of thin films ir the vibrational spectrum has been ~)btained.In the literature ir is the custom when dealing with thin films to use the results obtained in the study of solid bodies and make insignificant modifications of some eonstants, such as Debye temperature, Curie temperature, etc. This method is not very accurate because the thin film has its characteristic particularities, its specific heat directly depending on the lattice type, the :substrate and especially the number q of monoatomie layers of the film.So as to be able to give a theoretical foundation of the specific heat in thin fflms ir is necessary to study previously the thermal vibrations in these. An important work in this field is MONTaOLL'S paper [1], in which a theoretical study of thermal vibrations in ah ideal bidimensional lattice is given. Unfortunately, in this article only the vibrations within the bidimensional lattice ate studied, without taking into account the vibrations normal to the lattiee, nor the influenee of the substrate.In a previous paper of CoRcxovEI and BV~RINDE [2], a thermal vibrational model of simple cubic thin films with q monoatomic layers was developed. It has thus become possible to deal with the problem of the specific heat of thin films, and this is the aim of our paper. After giving a general expression for the specific heat of a thin film with q layers, so as to obtain more conclusive results, two limiting cases ate treated, i.e. the case of high and that of low temperatures.Acla Phys. Hung. Tora. XI/'. Fase. 4.