A sample of Wax D, a macromolecular peptidoglycolipid of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was purified by column chromatography on silicic acid and then analysed. It contains about goo/, of a mycolate of arabinogalactan and 8O/, of a phosphorylated mucopeptide.The structure of the mycolate of arabinogalactan shown in Fig.2 is based on the isolation of the following products of partial hydrolysis : (a) mycolates of arabinofuranose and arabinobiose, in which mycolic acids are esterified to the 5-OH of arabinofuranose; (b) a i+4 digalactopyranoside ; (c) a 1+4 arabinogalactoside ; (d) an arabinodigalactoside having two 1+4 linkages.