Abstract. A table of class numbers and units in cyclic cubic fields with conductor < 4000 has been given by Marie-Nicole Gras [6]. The authors have constructed an extended table for conductor < 16000. The article comprises lists of fields with totally positive fundamental units and fields in which the class group has a Sylow /)-subgroup which is not elementary abelian. We also give statistics about the distribution of class numbers.Let K be a cyclic cubic field with conductor / and denote by 0 the ring of integers of AT. If a G K, its conjugates are denoted by a, a', a" and the trace and norm by Tr(a) = a + a' + a" and N(a) = aa'a". We can write (1) f= ( A unit T of the ring 0 is called a fundamental unit iff -1, t and t' generate the group of units of 6. We shall further stipulate that It is easy to see that any fundamental unit satisfying (3) must be a conjugate of t so that their minimal polynomial (4) Irr(r,Q) = x2 -Tr(r)x2 + T^t"1)* -1 is uniquely determined. We note that (3) implies |Tr(T_1)| > |Tr(t)|. This can be easily seen as follows. Put í = Tr(-r), q = Tt(t_1) and let S denote the sign of that conjugate of t which has absolute value < 1. Then, S(s -q) < 0 and 8(s + q + 2) > 0, so that |s| > \q\ implies s = -o or j = -a -1. Under these conditions the discriminant of (4) is a square only for s = -4, q = 3, but, in this case, t would not be a fundamental unit.