The straintronic magnetic tunnel junction (s-MTJ) is an MTJ whose resistance state can be changed continuously or gradually from high to low with a gate voltage that generates strain the magnetostrictive soft layer. This unusual feature, not usually available in MTJs that are switched abruptly with spin transfer torque, spin-orbit torque or voltage-controlled-magnetic-anisotropy, enables many analog applications where the typically low tunneling magneto-resistance ratio of MTJs (on/off ratio of the switch) and the relatively large switching error rate are not serious impediments unlike in digital logic or memory. More importantly, the transfer characteristic of a s-MTJ (conductance versus gate voltage) always sports a linear region that can be exploited to implement analog arithmetic, vector matrix multiplication and linear synapses in deep learning networks very effectively. In these applications, the s-MTJ is actually superior to the better known memristors and domain wall synapses which do not exhibit the linearity and/or the analog behavior.