The theoretical and experimental investigation of the mechanism of S O 2 and H 2 S removal by C a C O 3 -based sorbents limestones and dolomites in pressurized uidized-bed coal combustors PFBC and high pressure gasi ers, respectively, is the main objective of this study. It is planned to carry out reactivity e v olution experiments under simulated high pressure conditions or in high pressure thermogravimetric and, if needed, uidizedbedreactor high pressure arrangements. The pore structure of fresh, heat-treated, and half-calcined solids dolomites will be analyzed using a variety of methods. Our work will focus on limestones and dolomites whose reaction with S O 2 or H 2 S under atmospheric conditions has been studied by us or other research groups in past studies. Several theoretical tools will be employed to analyze the obtained experimental data including a variable di usivity shrinking-core model and models for di usion, reaction, and structure evolution in chemically reacting porous solids.During the six months of this reporting period, work was primarily done on the study of the behavior of the sul dation of limestones under sequential calcination conditions in the presence of small amounts of oxygen and the development of a stochastic simulation code for determining the extent of pore volume trapping formation of inaccessible pore space in gas-solid reactions accompanied by pore volume reduction such as the sulfation and sul dation of calcined limestones and dolomites.The incentive for carrying out sul dation experiments in the presence of oxygen was provided by the observation that some sul dation experiments that were conducted as oxygen was accidentally leaking into the feed mixture of the reactor showed completely di erent behavior from that obtained in the absence of oxygen. Experiments were carried out in the thermogravimetric analysis system that we developed for studying gas-solid reactions at atmospheric or subambient pressures. The two C a C O 3 solids Greer limestone and Iceland spar that we employed in our previous experiments were used in the sul dation -iiiand calcination experiments, and the concentration of oxygen that was introduced in the H 2 S-containing stream that was fed to the reactor ranged from 0.2 to 2.5. The obtained results showed that the behavior of the sul dation of limestone depended strongly, in both a qualitative and a quantitative sense, on the level of the oxygen concentration in the feed. For small oxygen concentrations, the weight gained by the calcined sample during sul dation in a N 2 -H 2 S atmosphere went through a maximum, whereas for oxygen concentrations above 0.5-0.6, it increased continuously. A constant weight value was reached at large reaction times in both cases. The value of the weight gain at the maximum increased with increasing concentration of oxygen in the feed, and the same behavior was manifested by the constant value reached at large times. When a maximum was present in the weight gain vs. time curve, the constant value was lower than that expecte...