The EISG Program Administrator is required by contract to generate and deliver to the Commission an Independent Assessment Report (IAR) on all completed grant projects. The purpose of the IAR is to provide a concise summary and independent assessment of the grant project in order to provide the Commission and the general public with information that would assist in making follow-on funding decisions. The IAR is organized into the following sections:•
IntroductionRechargeable batteries are widely used as energy storage systems for renewable-energy technologies and power-quality systems. A battery system can give renewable-energy technologies around-the-clock viability by storing the electrical energy they produce for its most economical, strategic, and efficient uses. Batteries that combine high energy density with low cost and that are environmentally friendly would benefit the California renewable-energy market. Lithium-ion (LiCoO 2 ) battery technology offers higher energy density than most other commercial types, but at a generally higher cost per cycle. Lithium cobaltate batteries have been in commercial use since 1991. A new lithium-ion battery with different cathode chemistry (LiMn 2 O 4 ) has been identified as a possible replacement. It contains manganese (spinel) instead of cobalt and would be inherently safer and cheaper to produce. However, the spinel cathode has problems with capacity fading during cycling and with storage at elevated temperatures (55°-66° C). Specifically, capacity fading occurs during cycling because the crystal geometry weakens, especially in the cathode-surface region. At elevated temperatures dissolution of the LiMn 2 O 4 into the electrolyte enhances this process and leads to irreversible battery deterioration.Resolution of issues relating to capacity fading would permit the manufacture of a highperformance battery at lower cost. The raw-material price of manganese oxide is $2.29/kg, while cobalt oxide runs $39.60 to $41.80/kg. Lithium cobaltate batteries also incur the extra cost of a thermal protection circuit necessary to ensure safety during operation. Spinel is inherently safer, more environmentally benign, and less toxic than lithium cobaltate.The principal investigator predicted that the use of surface-modified LiMn 2 O 4 (SM-LMO) as the cathode material would alleviate or resolve the problems of capacity fading during cycling and after storage at elevated temperatures (55°-66° C). The researcher proposed to minimize surface degradation by surface modification on the molecular level. Specifically, the project used polymer-coated particles of LiMn 2 O 4 to fabricate an experimental cathode. The principal investigator hypothesized that the polymer coating would inhibit Mn + dissolution at the surface and improve thermal stability at elevated temperatures, thereby extending battery life.
ObjectivesThe goal of this project was to determine the feasibility of using surface-modified LiMn 2 O 4 (SM-LMO) as the cathode material to reduce capacity fading in a rechargeable lithiu...