There is a growing realization that the scale and degree of population connectivity are crucial to the dynamics and persistence of spatially structured populations. For marine organisms with complex life cycles, experiences during larval life may influence phenotypic traits, performance, and the probability of postsettlement survival. For a Caribbean reef fish (Thalassoma bifasciatum) on an oceanic island, we used otolith (ear stone) elemental profiles of lead (Pb) to assign recent settlers to a group that developed in waters elevated in Pb concentrations throughout larval life (i.e., nearshore signature) and a group that developed in waters depleted in Pb (i.e., offshore signature), potentially dispersing from upstream sources across oceanic waters. Larval history influenced early life history traits: offshore developers initially grew slowly but compensated with fast growth upon entering nearshore waters and metamorphosed in better condition with higher energy reserves. As shown in previous studies, local production contributed heavily to settlement: at least 45% of settlers developed nearshore. However, only 23% of survivors after the first month displayed a nearshore otolith profile. Therefore, settlers with different larval histories suffered differential mortality. Importantly, selective mortality was mediated by larval history, in that the postsettlement intensity of selection was much greater for fish that developed nearshore, potentially because they had developed in a less selectively intense larval environment. Given the potential for asymmetrical postsettlement source-based survival, successful spatial management of marine populations may require knowledge of ''realized connectivity'' on ecological scales, which takes into account the postsettlement fitness of individuals from different sources.larval-juvenile transition ͉ otolith chemistry ͉ realized connectivity ͉ selective mortality ͉ Thalassoma bifasciatum P opulations of many coastal marine species are connected primarily by dispersal during a relatively short pelagic larval phase (i.e., days to months), because most species have limited adult movement. For much of the last 30 years, researchers assumed that marine populations were demographically open. Models of open populations (1) suggested that larval supply was decoupled from local demographic rates (2). This view was reinforced by the assumption that larvae behaved as passive particles dispersed widely by ocean currents (e.g., ref.3). However, recent studies have elucidated the importance (4, 5) and apparent ubiquity of self-recruitment (i.e., retention of locally produced young) for population replenishment in many tropical species (6-11) and the potential for limited dispersal along open coasts in temperate systems (12-15). Both physical oceanographic processes (16) and larval behavior (17) may prevent advection and promote the retention of developing larvae in nearshore waters.Despite the recent evidence for local replenishment in island systems, the young that recruit to an island are ...