Exemplarisch wird an einem Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 442 "umweltverträgliche Tribosysteme" der RWTH Aachen die Umsetzung von Ergebnissen aus der Grundlagenforschung bis hin zur industriellen Anwendung vorgestellt und an der industriellen PVD-Marktentwicklung gespiegelt. In diesem Beispiel wird die Entwicklungsmethodik der Oberflächentechnik in der Prozesskette von der Fertigung bis zum Einsatztest des neuen Produktes dargestellt.Schlüsselworte: PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition), Oberfläche, Bauteilbeschichtung, Verschleißschutz, Reibminderung, PVD coatings in the range of a few nanometers up to some microns have become state of the art in engineering technology. PVD coatings can be found anywhere in our everday lives. They are used in data storage mediums such as CDs or DVDs. Car or architectural glasses are improved by thermal insulation coatings. A diffusion barrier is achieved via PVD coatings at food packaging. For decorative aspects sham jewelery and accessoires are coated as well as fittings.In the last three decades PVD coatings have been established in a variety of technical applications acquiring wear protection and/or friction reduction. First, coatings for tools have been developed, later on for components as well. So, in the past lots of experiences have been made not only in coating development, but likewise in methodical product design. By contrast, the surface has not yet been regarded as construction element. Here the knowledge is just at the beginning. The achieved performance of coated components can be improved drastically if the tribological system consisting of coating, substrate and intermediate material is designed for one single application with regard to the macro-and micro geometry.An exemplary application derived from the collaborative research center (SFB 442) "Environmentally friendly tribosystems" at the RWTH Aachen university is discussed. Results of fundamental research and their way into industrial applications are presented. The research development is reflected with regard to the development of the industrial PVD market. Regarding a process chain for the exemplary application the development method of surface technology is explained beginning with the production up to field testing of a new product.