Exquisite quantum control has now been achieved in small ion traps, in nitrogen-vacancy centers and in superconducting qubit clusters. We can regard such a system as a universal cell with diverse technological uses from communication to large-scale computing, provided that the cell is able to network with others and overcome any noise in the interlinks. Here, we show that loss-tolerant entanglement purification makes quantum computing feasible with the noisy and lossy links that are realistic today: With a modestly complex cell design, and using a surface code protocol with a network noise threshold of 13.3%, we find that interlinks that attempt entanglement at a rate of 2 MHz but suffer 98% photon loss can result in kilohertz computer clock speeds (i.e., rate of high-fidelity stabilizer measurements). Improved links would dramatically increase the clock speed. Our simulations employ local gates of a fidelity already achieved in ion trap devices. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.4.041041 Subject Areas: Quantum PhysicsWithin the past year, there have been remarkable advances in the fidelity with which small quantum devices can be controlled. The two most mature systems are ion traps and superconducting qubits. In ion trap devices, single-qubit fidelities [1] have reached 99.9999%, with combined preparation and measurement of 99.93%. Moreover, two-qubit operations [2] have been reported with fidelities up to 99.9%. Meanwhile, a superconducting qubit device (SQD) containing five qubits [3] has been demonstrated with all qubit manipulations above 99.3%. At the same time, there has been rapid progress in the study of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond-single electron spin manipulation is possible with 99% fidelity [4], and it is possible to manipulate nuclei that are relatively far from the center, so that each NV center may be thought of as a group of several qubits interacting with an optically active core [5].These prototype systems are small; none of them contain as many as 20 qubits. But importantly in each case, it is possible to bridge between small systems using photonic channels, albeit with lower entanglement fidelities and in a probabilistic way that may require many attempts. In the ion trap community, there are well-established methods for entangling ions in separate traps, and recent progress associated with projects such as the MUSIQC initiative [6] have led to successful entanglement at a rate of hertz [7]. This can be improved by orders of magnitude by hardware advances and by loss-adapted protocols, as we describe in this paper. In SQDs, a well-established means of interfacing qubits is to exploit microwave photons in cavities [8]. This suffices for short-range bridging, and, moreover, remote entanglement of two superconducting qubits separated by more than a meter of coaxial cable has recently been demonstrated [9]. In the case of NV center research, successful optical linking of qubits can occur either within the same sample [4] or over meters of separation [10], and teleportation [11] with fidelity ...