The surface core-level shift (SCLS) of the Nb(110) surface has been determined by means of high-resolution core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of the Nb 3d 5/2 core level. A SCLS of 180 6 15 meV towards higher binding energy with respect to the bulk component was estimated by curve ® tting the Nb 3d 5/2 core-level spectra taken using several photon energies. The sign of the SCLS agrees with recent ab initio calculations including both initial-and ® nalstate e ects, but the shift is signi® cantly smaller than predicted in these calculations.The surface core-level shift (SCLS) observed in high-resolution core-level photoemission appears because the atoms in the surface layer have a lower coordination than bulk atoms. The understanding of this shift has been a subject of intense debate in the past but recently, with the use of ab initio calculations including both initial-and the ® nal-state e ects of the photoemission process, reasonably good agreement between theory and experiment has been reached (Johansson and Ma Ê rtensson 1980, 1983, Citrin and Wertheim 1982, Toma  nek et al. 1982, Ma Ê rtensson et al. 1989, Flodstro È m et al. 1992, Methfessel et al. 1992, Alde  n et al. 1993, Andersen et al. 1994. At present the experimental SCLS for most 5d metals and the rare-earth metals have been reported (Ma Ê rtensson et al. 1989, Flodstro È m et al. 1992. For the 4d and 3d metals, fewer values have been reported, mainly because higher photon energies are required in order to excite and study the narrowest core levels of these metals. This, in turn, may result in insucient resolution to identify the shifts.Here we present the results of high-resolution photoemission from the Nb 3d 5 /2 core level of Nb(110). From the data we obtain a SCLS of 180 6 15 meV towards higher binding energy, which is signi® cantly smaller than the SCLS predicted by recent ab initio calculations (500 meV) for the Nb(110) surface (Alde  n et al. 1993).Recently, an experimental SCLS of a little less than 500 meV has been reported on the more open Nb(100) surface (Lo et al. 1995). This is consistent with our result since the SCLS is expected to be smaller for the more close-packed (110) surface.The present experiments were performed at beam line 22 at the MAX I storage ring in Lund, Sweden. This beam line is equipped with a modi® ed Zeiss SX-700 monochromator and a modi® ed angle-integrating Scienta-200 hemispherical photoelectron energy analyser (Nyholm et al. 1986, Andersen et al. 1991. The cleaning of Nb surfaces has proven to be rather di cult (Franchy et al. 1996), since Nb oxide can only be removed by heating the sample to very high temperatures, that is within 200 K of the melting temperature. The Nb(110) single crystal was cleaned by