A high-symmetry crystal surface may undergo a kinetic instability during the growth, such that its late stage evolution resembles a phase separation process. This parallel is rigorous in one dimension, if the conserved surface current is derivable from a free energy. We study the problem in presence of a physically relevant term breaking the up-down symmetry of the surface and which can not be derived from a free energy. Following the treatment introduced by Kawasaki and Ohta [Physica 116A, 573 (1982)] for the symmetric case, we are able to translate the problem of the surface evolution into a problem of nonlinear dynamics of kinks (domain walls). Because of the break of symmetry, two different classes (A and B) of kinks appear and their analytical form is derived. The effect of the adding term is to shrink a kink A and to widen the neighbouring kink B, in such a way that the product of their widths keeps constant. Concerning the dynamics, this implies that kinks A move much faster than kinks B. Since the kink profiles approach exponentially the asymptotical values, the time dependence of the average distance L(t) between kinks does not change: L(t) ∼ ln t in absence of noise, and L(t) ∼ t 1/3 in presence of (shot) noise. However, the cross-over time between the first and the second regime may increase even of some orders of magnitude. Finally, our results show that kinks A may be so narrow that their width is comparable to the lattice constant: in this case, they indeed represent a discontinuity of the surface slope, that is an angular point, and a different approach to coarsening should be used.