We consider two types of magnetic Josephson junctions (JJ). They are formed by two singlet superconductors S and magnetic layers between them so that the JJ is a heterostructure of the S m /n/S m type, where S m includes two magnetic layers with non-collinear magnetization vectors. One layer is represented by a weak ferromagnet and another one-the spin filter-is either conducting strong ferromagnet (nematic or N-type JJ) or magnetic tunnel barrier with spin-dependent transparency (magnetic or M-type JJ). Due to spin filtering only fully polarized triplet component penetrates the normal n wire and provides the Josephson coupling between the superconductors S. Although both filters let to pass triplet Cooper pairs with total spin S parallel to the filter axes, the behavior of nematic and magnetic JJs is completely different. Whereas in the nematic case the charge and spin currents, I Q and I sp , do not depend on mutual orientation of the filter axes, both currents vanish in magnetic JJ in case of antiparallel filter axes, and change sign under reversing the filter direction. The obtained expressions for I Q and I sp show clearly a duality between the superconducting phase ϕ and the angle α between the exchange fields in the weak magnetic layers. PACS numbers: 74.78.Fk, 85.25.Cp, 74.45.+c Triplet Cooper pairing is known to exist in superfluid 3 He [1, 2]. As concerns superconductors, the situation is less clear. Although some indication for the triplet superconductors has been found in a number of completely different classes of materials [3][4][5], a general consensus about the existence of the triplet superconductivity in the organic metals, heavy fermions and other interesting materials investigated from this point of view has not been achieved [6,7]. In principle, the fact that the spins of the fermions of the Cooper pairs are equal to each other does not contradict the Pauli principle because the condensate wave function f (p) and the order parameter ∆ tr (p) in these triplet superconductors are odd functions of the momentum p. In contrast to the conventional BCS superconductivity, the triplet superconductivity with such a symmetry of the order parameter is sensitive to impurity scattering [8] and, therefore, it is usually strongly suppressed by disorder.However, the triplet Cooper pairs can appear already in conventional singlet superconductors provided an external magnetic (H) or an internal exchange (h) field acts on the spins of electrons. [8][9][10][11] A triplet component inevitably arises also in magnetic superconductors [12].The triplet condensate function arising from the singlet superconductivity in the presence of the magnetic or exchange field acting on spins is odd in frequency and therefore may still have an s-wave space symmetry without violating the Pauli principle. It has a component with the 0-spin projection f tr,0 ∝ 〈ĉ ↑ĉ↓ (t ) +ĉ ↓ĉ↑ (t )〉 on the direction of the field h or H but also the components with spin projection ±1. The zero projection component f tr,0 of the condensate functio...