For phonons propagating through superlattices, ''intermode'' Bragg reflections due to the coupling of different polarization modes can occur besides ordinary ''intramode'' Bragg reflections, and corresponding frequency gaps are classified according to the types of Bragg reflection. We demonstrate the difference between localized modes generated in different types of frequency gaps in superlattices with inhomogeneity. In particular, we show for a superlattice with a free surface, a ''perfect'' resonant reflection associated with surfacelocalized modes is realized inside frequency gaps in which intermode Bragg reflections occur. This resonance can be interpreted as resonant tunneling through a symmetric double-barrier potential. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.193305 PACS number͑s͒: 68.65.Ϫk, 62.65.ϩk, 63.20.Ϫe The noticeable behavior of phonons in periodic superlattices ͑SL's͒ is mainly related to the appearance of frequency gaps due to Bragg reflections of phonons. 1,2 Since Bragg reflections occur essentially as a result of the interference of waves, they are also seen in the propagation of photons and electrons through periodic media. 3 In the case of phonons, there exists an inherent type of Bragg reflection in addition to ordinary Bragg reflections. 4 When phonons are injected into interfaces of a SL at an angle, three modes of propagation-one longitudinal ͑L͒ and two transverse ͑T͒-are involved in the reflection and transmission processes. This leads to coupling between the modes and mode conversion at the interface. As a result of the multiple reflection by the interfaces of the periodic SL, ''intermode'' Bragg reflections can occur besides ordinary ''intramode'' Bragg reflections. For example, incident L phonons can be Bragg reflected as T phonons, i.e., the amplitudes of the reflected T phonons add up in phase but those of the reflected L phonons are canceled out. Therefore, the corresponding frequency gaps should be classified when mode-dependent characteristics of phonon propagation are investigated.On the other hand, a lot of studies have shown that an inhomogeneity embedded in a periodic SL causes localized vibrational modes inside the frequency gaps. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] It is expected that these localized modes also have different features according to the types of frequency gaps in which the localized modes exist. However, this has not been well recognized till date. In the present paper, we study theoretically the localized modes generated in the different types of frequency gaps. We examine the resonant interaction of localized modes with acoustic phonons injected into SL's with inhomogeneity at an angle. We calculate the reflectance of phonons scattered by SL's with a free surface or defect layer. In particular, we show for the SL with a free surface that a ''perfect'' resonant reflection is realized inside the frequency gaps in which intermode Bragg reflections occur.First of all, we briefly summarize the features of phonons propagating through a periodic SL without inhomogeneity a...