One-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, such as the Harper model and the Fibonacci quasicrystal, have long been the focus of extensive theoretical and experimental research. Recently, the Harper model was found to be topologically nontrivial. Here, we derive a general model that embodies a continuous deformation between these seemingly unrelated models. We show that this deformation does not close any bulk gaps, and thus prove that these models are in fact topologically equivalent. Remarkably, they are equivalent regardless of whether the quasiperiodicity appears as an on-site or hopping modulation. This proves that these different models share the same boundary phenomena and explains past measurements. We generalize this equivalence to any Fibonacci-like quasicrystal, i.e. a cut and project in any irrational angle.PACS numbers: 71.23. Ft, 73.43.Nq, 05.30.Rt Recent experimental developments in photonic crystals [1,2] and ultracold atoms [3][4][5] have made the study of the dynamics of particles in one-dimensional (1D) quasiperiodic systems experimentally accessible. These fascinating systems have long been the focus of extensive research. They have been studied mainly in the context of their transport and localization properties, showing a variety of interesting transitions between metallic, localized, and critical phases [6][7][8][9]. With their recently found nontrivial connection to topological phases of matter [10] there is a growing interest in their boundary phenomena [11,12].The behavior of particles in such systems is described by 1D tight-binding models with quasiperiodic modulations. There is an abundance of quasiperiodic modulations, among which the canonical types are the Harper model (also known as the Aubry-André model) [6,13] and the Fibonacci quasicrystal (QC) [14]. The quasiperiodicity of the Harper model enters in the form of a cosine modulation incommensurate with lattice spacing, whereas the Fibonacci QC has two discrete values that appear interchangeably according to the Fibonacci sequence. Moreover, the quasiperiodicity may appear in on-site terms (diagonal), in hopping terms (off diagonal), or in both (generalized). Each of these models describes different physical phenomena. Indeed, the Harper and the Fibonacci modulations have different localization phase diagrams, depending also on their appearance as diagonal or off-diagonal terms (see e.g., Refs. [7][8][9]15]). Notably, several attempts were made to gather these models under some general framework [9,16,17], but with only partial success.These 1D quasiperiodic models play a nontrivial role in the rapidly growing field of topological phases of matter [10][11][12]. This new paradigm classifies gapped systems such as band insulators and superconductors [18,19]. Each gap in these systems is attributed an index that characterizes topological properties of the wave functions in the bands below this gap. By definition, two gapped systems belong to the same topological phase if they can be deformed continuously from one into the other witho...